I still must notate the first 1. - 3128. commentary/interpretations.
I`ll do this after I have some success and am able to reflect back, iA...
The source for the best Qur'an I like (free PDF online version i bought for $14) --- https://elibs.shop/down.php?id=3d9c12fc2c5fb7fae53c48bb3a16c0dc ... additionally I HAVE THIS Qur'an saved in PDF format, in my GMAIL EMAIL INBOX (under the subject title: "THE BEST QUR'AN"
5690. Devotion to prayer
5691. Charity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5692. A true Fear of Allah is the fear of offending His Universal Law(s). Sin causes disharmony, discord
5693. Do not feel you may feel secure against your Lord's punishment (to your sin committed). The punishment of sin may come at any time, when you least expect it.
5695. Our trusts, reasoning, talents... as sacred in ordinary life as they are in spiritual relationships. We must fulfill our trusts punctiliously.
5696.!!!!!!!!! We must bear witness to any/all truths of any kind, without the thought of fear or favor, even if it causes loss or trouble to us, or if it loses us friends or associates.
Those who respect their Trusts and covenants (wealth, reasoning, talents) And those who stand firm in the testimonies (speaking truth at all costs), And those who strictly guard their worship (steadfastness in prayer) Such will be the honored ones in the Gardens.
5697. The aspects of the good man's life begin and end w/ "steadfastness in prayer"
5698. Sarcasm of the unbelievers, they ridicule with a sarcastic tone, their (non) belief in a Hereafter
5699!!!!!! Man's animal part is nothing to be proud of. It is by spiritual effort that a man can rise above the mere animal part of him, and to his high dignity as a spiritual being.
5700. Allah's power and glory, manifested int he splendor of sunrise and sunset @ different points through the solar year
5701. If Allah has such power in the rising of the Sun, can you not see that He can easily substitute better men than you unbelievers and blasphemers..
5703. Their talk is vain; the foolish play of people who do not think seriously. All spiritual evidence is against it.
A stage is Reached when (good) must definitely part company w/ Evil, lest Evil should spread its corruption
5705-06. Noah's mission/story/warning
5707. Three aspects of man's duty 1) True worship w/ heart & soul. 2) Recognition & fear in knowing all evil leads to self-deterioration 3) repentance amends, obey good men's counsels
5708. True Happiness comes to us through Allah, who gives respite, only He.
5709-10. The reaction by sinners, when convincing arguments and warnings are placed before them.
5711. Noah, the means & methods by which he preached....
5712-13. Lessons & blessings, from the story of Noah
5714. Man in his various qualities and capacities may be compared with the wonderful workings of nature on the Earth and in the heavens.
5716. The Sun (the glorious "Lamp of the Heavens"), the Constellations in the skies, a Moon giving light.
5717. Man, similarly as the growth of plants and trees, is that of a seed sown, that germinates, grows, & dies, & goes back to the Earth. In man, there is the further process of resurrection.
5719!!!!!!!! On sinners reproaching the words of righteous men. The truth behind men of"Power" and "wealth".
5720. the plots devised by the wicked (w/ material resources), to rid the righteous. Their plots may seem to have appearance of success, but they can never defeat Allah's Purpose.
5721. Pagan God's and Superstitions amongst the wicked & sinful.
5724. The flood (of Noah's) was sent to purge all sin.
5722!!!!!!!!!!! Superstitions & cults do not add to human knowledge or human well-being. They only increase error & wrong-doing.
5723 A!!!!!!!!!!! The punishment of sin seizes the soul from every side (by water/by fire). The destruction wrought by sin is complete in all forms.
5723 B. time and eternity, as we conceive them now, have no meaning in the wholly new world. (the Hereafter).
5726. Noah, alas, prays for he & his. "And to the wrong-doers Grant Thou no increase But in Perdition",- see 5722 originally
5727. The Jinn had heard of previous revelations, (Moses') & of Christianity's.
5729. A gathering of Jinns listened to the Qur'an, they said, "we have really heard a wonderful recital!"
5731. By joining false gods in our worship (of Allah), we degrade our own conception of ourselves. If we worship idols or heavenly bodies, or human beings, or any creatures, or false fancies born of self or foolish abstractions, or the lust/desires of our own hearts, we are not only doing violence to Truth, but we are causing discord & in the harmony of the world.
5732. If human beings, think that by a resort to some spirits, that they can shelter themselves from the struggles/actualities of their own lives, they are sadly mistaken. They will ultimately have to answer at the Judgment-Seat of Allah, whose first outpost is in their own conscience.
5733. The Jinn who have repented of sin and evil, speak here, as recognizing evil ones among them, whose love of stealth & prying will be defeated by vigilant guardians of Right (interesting imagery used here).
5734. ...People who try to seek out the hidden truths of the Unseen World through jinns... Such seekers will be confronted by the flaming fire (shafts of meteoric light)..
5735. The Jinn conclude that, whether this Quran is ill intended to those on Earth or really intends to guide to right conduct, they feel (rightly) that it must be a blessing for all who seek right guidance.
5736. The Jinn know that Allah's Truth & Plan must prevail. Thus, why not then bring their will into conformity with it, and find Peace; they think...
5737!!!!!!!! The essence of "Faith" among a believer, amidst the harshness that is the world.
5738!!!!!! Anyone who responds to true Guidance & submits his will to Allah finds that he makes rapid progress.
5739. An unjust life carries its own condemnation. It does no good to itself or to anyone else.
5740!!!!!!!! On Rain... All blessings come by way of trial. A man of gifts, talents, or insights is expected to show a higher standard of love than one less gifted.
5741. Remembering Allah means: Acknowledging His presence, realizing His Goodness, and accepting His Guidance.
5742. 1) Worship used for no other than the One Allah. 2) Worship should not be mixed with vain objects. 3) All of our gifts are for Allah's Service, which includes the service of His Creatures, & not for our vainglory.
5744!!!!!!!!!!!!! A man who diverges from the beaten paths of their favorite sins, & who pleads for Truth & righteousness; they ridicule him; they surround him w/ jeers.
5745. The sinful cannot be forced to right conduct; that must depend the purification of their own faith and will.
5746. It is the messenger's mission, from Allah, & he cannot choose but obey, for them he himself would be worthy of punishment.
5747!!!!!! After death, revitalization of a conscious experience, where values are restored that the promise of Allah was Time, and that death on this earth was not the end of all things. Those who were accounted weak on this earth will, in the realm of reality, be the strong ones; they will have all the great & true ones there, with them, to help & welcome them to their own ranks.
5748. The coming of Judgment - is certain. It's timing is not known. Not even a Prophet of Allah knows the mysteries of the Unseen world, except in so far as they have been revealed to him by Allah's Revelation.
5751!!!!!!!! Revelation must be safeguarded, it's essence & trueness, from being distorted by ignorance, selfishness, or the powers of evil. A strong escort is required, to march in front & behind.
5754. Human nature requires warm garments & wrappings to protect the body from cold, heat or rain. But in the spiritual world, the soul must stand bare before Allah.
5755. The Prophet was prone to austerities in the cave (Hiraa), spending days and nights in prayer and contemplation.
5756. The words of the Qu'ran must not be read hastily, merely to get through so much reading. They must be studied, & their deep meaning pondered over.
5758. What time can be so suitable for contemplation prayer & praise, as the night, when calm & silence prevail, & the silent stars pour forth their eloquence to the discerning soul.
5759!!!!!!!!!! A Prophet of Allah, as a man, a member of a family, or a citizen, has many ordinary duties to perform and his work may be made difficult/irksome in protecting those who listen to his preaching and are therefore molested and persecuted by the world. But he should work as in the presence of Allah, retaining the sense of Allah's nearness. His work may be on Earth but his Heart is in heaven.
5760!!!!!!!!!! Allah is ruler of all places. He rules the world. Be not discouraged by the plots and enmity of wicked men. Leave all things to Allah... Trust Him..... Only turn away from the unjust in a worthy and noble way.. To show them clearly that you do not fear them... But that you leave all affairs in Allah's hands.
5761. Men who are blessed by Allah in the presence and ranks of Allah's enemies, none but Allah can adequately deal with them.
5765!!!!!!!! The Penalty of Sin may be described as an agony. It may come in this Life (various punishments) but that in the Hereafter is certain.
5766. Judgment Day is described as a violent commotion which will change the whole face of nature as we know it.
5768. The dynamic relation and conflict between Pharaoh & Moses, described..
5769. The Day of Judgment - children will become like hoary-headed men... The shape of things will be completely altered, both within man and in outer nature.
5770!!!!!!!! If you have the Will, you can come for the Grace of Allah, & obtain it... For, Repentance & Amendment are the straight path to the nearness of Allah.
5771-73!!!!!!!!!!! The Prophet & his disciples were often up during the night, rejecting sleep and giving themselves up to prayer and praise and the reading of the Qur'an. They were counseled that this was too severe a tax on them (their health), especially if taxed whilst striving in other ways for the cause of Allah.... For, Allah fixes day and night in due proportions, for rest (night) and work (day)... And according to seasonal variations... The reading of the Qur'an is a part of Prayer and religious devotion... It is not to be made into an obsession or burden (reading the Qur'an).. we must read (the Qur'an) whole-mindedly, and not by mechanical obsession of burdening.
"Others travelling through the land, seeking of Allah's bounty; yet others fighting in Allah's Cause. read ye, Therefore as much of a Qur'an As may be easy (for you), And establish prayer (regular) and give zakat."
5776. Any good that we do raises our own spiritual status/dignity. For, Allah is independent of all needs from us.. Our good deeds are for our own benefit.
5777. The need of Allah's Grace... To lift us up and blot out our shortcomings... Even in piety, beware, there may be an arrogance which may become sin... Seek Allah's Grace w/ humility.
5778!!!!!!!!!!!! On Messengership...... the Prophet was now past the stage of personal contemplation, and was now to go forth boldly to deliver His Message. His heart had always been pure, but not all his outward doing must be dedicated to Allah his work as a Messenger was the most generous gift that could flow from his personality, but no reward was to be expected from the people... In fact, there would be much call on his patience... Similar stages arise in the life of every good man, for which, Muhammad's life is set as a Universal pattern for.
5779. The dirt and filth the pagans/transgressors used to throw at the Messenger to insult and persecute him ("& thy garments keep free from stain").
5781. Giving in the commercial/legal sense, versus giving in the spiritual sense.
5782!!!!!!!!!! SALLOUM --- our zeal for Allah's cause requires us to be patient, and to show constancy in our efforts (for His Cause). We know that He is All-Good, All-Wise, and everything will ultimately be right.
5783. The sinner's course is now shown in contrast to the seeker's. The sinner may be self-complacent now: but what will be his position when reckoning comes? Not easy!
5784. Allah alone is only fit to judge the limits of Justice and Punishment and mercy.
5785. Man's adventitious advantages (wealth, power, talents, position) are gifts from Allah, who created him. In himself he came bare and alone.
5786. The great ones of the Earth may have wealth, a large following, sons by their side to defend and do their bidding to help them, but their responsibility is to Allah.
5787!!!!!!!!! The sinner takes Allah's gifts as if they were his right. The more he gets the more he is greedy. He is willfully deaf to Allah's signs, but he is only preparing for his own undoing.
5790. Walid ibn Mugaira was a wealthy Pagan to the core, enemy to the Prophet... He and Abu Jahl did all they could to abuse and persecute and injure the Prophet and those who believed. There are Walids in all ages. They cannot understand divine inspiration, and seek to explain its wonderful influence as "magic".
5792. The sinner is destroyed and no part of his nature is preserved. The brightness of his very manhood is darkened and extinguished by sin. "darkening and changing the color of man!"
5793. Nineteen (19) angels, appointed to guard Hell.
5794. On Angels in ancient scriptures, and their relations to the controlling and administering of fire.
5796. The outcomes/fate of the four classes of people: 1) The Muslims. 2) The People of the Book (Jews and Christians). 3) The Hypocrites. 4) The unbelievers
5797. Man is left free to stray if he chooses to. In spite of all the warning and the instruction he receives. This warning is addressed to all mankind.
E&R lyrics Warning~~~~~~~~ All things are referred to Allah. But we must not attribute evil to Him. We are expressly told that the good comes from Allah and the evil from ourselves.
5798. Every soul which looks up to a mere creature of Allah for salvation is in spiritual darkness of error; the true source of spiritual light and life is Allah, and Allah alone.
5799. (moonlight metaphor) - When a soul realizes its own responsibility, it will look less to reflected lights, and through and through toward the light of Allah and the goal of the Heaven of our dreams.
5800!!!!!!!!!!!!! The numerous signs of Allah; the waning of the moon, the decline of the night, and even Hell itself.
5801. For our moral/spiritual progress, we have in some cases to go forwards, but in some cases we have to retreat, from fake positions. The hopeless case is that of the obstinate man whose heart is so dead that he dares not advance to the right or withdraw from the wrong.
5802. Man's redemption depends upon the Grace of Allah, which he should whole-heartedly, strive for by means of right conduct.
5803. The companions of the "Right Hand" will be the righteous. Their grounds of merit will be Prayer, Charity, Earnestness (sincere serious genuine), and Faith in Allah's Judgment. They are not separate acts or virtues, but are all inter-connected.
5805. If the Day of Judgment is inevitable... It is strange that men should not heed, but go on as if they were thoughtless and obstinate; ; they try to avoid it. They are frightened at Allah's word.
5806. The Unbelievers pretend in ridicule that they would believe if a special message were addressed to them by a miracle .. there is a disease in their hearts/understandings. The Prophet's warning message is plain, and enough for any reasonable man who has the will to seek Allah.
5807. The Qur'an is the counseling/warning for the unbelievers... If man has the will to learn, Allah's grace will help him carry it out in his conduct.
5808. Man's Righteousness has no meaning except in relation to the universal Will #Taqwa
5809. We reap what we sow.... Every act has to be accounted for. Man's own spirit has a conscience which would reproach him for sin if he did not suppress that inner voice.
5810!!!!!!!! The three stages of the development of the human soul.
5811. The Unbelievers cry, what! How can our personality be called to account?! The answer is, "Allah has said so, and he will do it. For the death here is not the end of all things."
5813-14. The Sinner, evil-doer, who has no conscience goes on in his career of sin. He does not believe in a Hereafter.
5815. At the Hour of Judgment, the full light and glory of Allah will shine and a new World will come into being.
5816. At the Hour of Judgment, man's sight will be dazed, the sun will sink into nothingness along with the moon, and all relative good and truth will sink into nothingness.
5817. The moon and the Sun will be like empty shells whose "lights are fled", and whose glories dead, b/c the light of Allah now shines in full splendor.
5818-19. On Judgment Day, we will be judged by our actions. It is not what a man says about himself, or what others say of him, that determines judgment about him. It is what he is in himself. His own personality betrays him or commends him.
5820. We must live life and be patient as the receiving the inspired meaning and word of Allah in our lives... The Holy Prophet was to allow the revelation conveyed to him, to sink into his mind and heart, and not be impatient about it. Allah would certainly complete it according to His Plan, and see that it was collected and preserved for men and not lost.
5821. Man loves haste and things of haste. For that reason, he pins his faith on transitory things and neglects the things of lasting moment, which come slowly and whose true import will be fully seen in the afterlife.
5822. The punishment of sin takes place in three ways.
5823-24. The soul reaches to the collar bone in its exit.
5826!!!!!!!!!! four counts against a soul of an unbeliever: 1) He neglected prayer 2) neglected giving charity. 3) rejected Truth 4) disbelief in the Hereafter. ... Rejecting the truth is equivalent to talking vanities and making alliance with falsehoods.
5827. Conceit/arrogance is the root-cause of most Evil. By that cause, fell Iblis.
5828. The soul purpose of Man, comes with implications and moral responsibility, with a purpose.
5829. From the stage of being a fetus, to developing body limbs, to the divine spirit poured into him, man is fashioned in due proportion for his higher destiny.
Time exists spontaneously from eternity to eternity and is responsible for the misery or the happiness of Mankind... Time is a created thing, relative and not absolute.
They Say, ... "nothing but Time can destroy us.". ... This attitude is of course wrong. Time is relative to our conceptions, as Einstein has proved. It is only Allah who is self-subsisting, Eternal from beginning and Eternal to the end, the Absolute Existence and Reality.
5830. It is certain that the physical world existed long before man was ever heard of or mentioned.
5832. Man's beginning as an ovum, to becoming intellectually insightful, with free-will, he is trained (and tried), and that is the whole problem of human life.
5833!!!!!!!!!! Besides the gifts of his faculties, Man has been shown the Way by means of Revelation, through men of the highest spiritual standing... If grateful he will be of the righteous... If not, he puts chains around himself. His choice rests on his will.
5835. "As to the Righteous, they shall drink of a cup mixed w/ kafur (comphor), added to the cup of pure wine which causes no intoxication, but stands for all that is wholesome, agreeable, and refreshing. Comphor is smooth and refreshing, and is given as a soothing tonic. In small doses, it's odor and flavor are also agreeable (hence added to the cup of wine).
5836-39. The righteous are known in the present life by their virtues: they perform their vows, they fear a judgment day, and they feed to indigent, the orphan and the captive.
5840!!!!!!!! The true motives of the pious: "We feed (you) for the sake of Allah. No reward do we desire from you, nor thanks"
5841. The truly righteous, are not "self-righteous". They know they are human, and they fear lest they should be wanting in the sight of Allah. But Allah in His Mercy gives them a bountiful reward.
5845-46. The Judgment Day, Sun & Moon will no longer be here and it will be a new world on a different plane.
5847-54. Life after death, stages, for the righteous - "vessels of silver", "goblets of crystal", a cup to drink from mixed with Zanjabil, "a fountain there called Salsabil".
5855. Persecution, abuse, and false charges were being leveled against the man of Allah, but he is bidden to stand firm and do his duty. this applies to all who suffer in the cause of Truth.
5856!!!!!!!!! The spiritual impact of the morning hours..... Three methods of prayer and devotion: 1) to remember and celebrate Allah. 2) to spend part of the night in holy prostration. 3) to glorify Him in the long hours of a weary night of waiting and watching.
5857!!!!!!!!!!! Humble Prostration to Allah means some visible mode of dedication. That is best done at night, when the soul, free from worldly occupations, is alone with its God. In concert w/ the whole creation, which glorifies Allah.
5858. This fleeting life... The Unbelievers of All ages reject/put away the thought of a hereafter, for the pleasures of a fleeting life.
5859. Allah has not only created men, but "made their frame strong", with the power to withstand the temptations of Evil and stand firmly in the path of right.
5860!!!!!!! Allah's gifts are free, but let no one think that he can misuse them without being called to answer for that trust. Allah will set them aside and substitute others in their place, w/ like powers. Allah can in a moment make a complete change. Either the same men that fought against him will be his zealous adherents, or another generation will spring up, which will carry the flag of righteousness to victory. Allah's Will and Plan work in their own good time.
5861!!!!!!!!!!!! Man in himself is weak and must seek Allah's Grace; with it he can do all; if the will is right it obtains Allah's Grace.
5863. The winds, the Angels, the Prophets, in the human world all connect the Day of Justice with the Kingdom of Allah!
5864!!!!!!!!!! on Winds (five points)
5865!!!!!!!!!! on Angels (five points)
5866!!!!!!!!! on Messengers (five points)
5867. Characteristics of the Judgment Day
5868. Inspired Prophets had been sent in succession at different times to all nations. Now they will be gathered (Judgment Day) together in one place to bear witness as to the righteous or the evil ones within their respective spheres of work.
5869. The Day of Judgment: Good will be completely separated from Evil. The rejectors of Truth will find that in the world of realities they will be absolutely nowhere.
5870. Allah's Law is always the same. Sin and corruption prepares it's own destruction. In Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley: these were men of wonderful skill and resource, but they went under. If our generations which pride themselves on their science and skill desert Allah's Law, they will be certain to meet the same fate.
5871. "Have we not created you from a fluid made despicable?" Man is ashamed of the process of physical creation, yet he is arrogant in life and neglectful of the future.
5872. The wonders of the silent growth of the fetus in the mother's womb.
5873. 9 month and 10 days... yet throughout pre-natal and post-natal life, there are nicely-balanced adjustments.
5874. From Life in the womb to being then buried in a tomb.
5875!!!!!!! What a wonderful parable, the drama which we see in this world, for us to appreciate the wonders in Allah's kingdom of reasoning/judgment.
5876!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mountains contain wisdom and power in their efficiency and usage.
5877-79. The sinners will see the blazing Fire, the only shadow they see will be that of smoke, ascending in three columns, enveloping them.
5880. The Judging of the sinners, they the sinners will not be in a position to put forward any valid deference or plea.
5881. The Quraish who were plotting against the Prophet.... They may use allot their wisdom and that of their ancestors, but you will not be able to defeat Allah or His Plan.
5882!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Plots against Allah's profit were plots against Allah's Truth and therefore against Allah. Can anyone hope to benefit by such plots? Can anyone defeat Allah's Purpose of Plan? Let them try. There can only be pity for such men. They will only ruin themselves.
5885!!!!!!!!! The fruits of Righteousness are content in this world, and the Supreme Bliss in the next.
5886. "Eat" is symbolical of having the good things of life in this world. But for the sinners, the opportunities of wrong are multiplied, as the impetus for good or for evil increases progressively. If they do not repent when asked to believe and repent, they are to be pitied, even for the good things of this life, for they will come to an evil end in the Hereafter.
5887. Prostration is a symbol of humility, and a desire to get nearer to Allah, by prayer and a good life.
5889. On the lack of integrity in Christianity.... There is practically nothing about the Resurrection in the Old Testament, and even in the early Christian Church some definitely denied the resurrection of the dead.
5890!!!!!!!!!! The Signs of Allah
5891. Darkness of the night serves as a covering, and gives us spiritual respite from the material world, and from the tiring activities of our own inner exertions.
5895. Signs of order and workings in the external world - surrounding our own physical, mental, and spiritual nature.
5897-98. The Angel charged w/ the sounding of the Trumpet is Israfil; he will herald judgment.
5899. Hell, the embodiment of evil, is lying in wait like an ambush for everyone. And for those who've willfully rebelled against Allah, it will be a definite destination from which there is no return, except and unless Allah so wills. #"purgatory"?
5901-02. The transgressors create misery for themselves w/ the disorder of contradictory elements. #boiling hot drink, with intensely cold, murky fluids. This, the result of their continue course of evil conduct.
5903. Just as there is a progressive deterioration in the sinner's soul when he surrenders himself, so there is progressive increase in the Penalty which he suffers.
5904. "Seeing the face of Allah", is the attainment of the supreme achievement (three illustrations).
5905. "Gardens of bliss is a fruit garden, with walls round to protect it, and the most characteristic fruit mentioned here is the luscious grape.
5906. The second, is maidens of Equal Age
5907. The third is the cup
5908. Among the three illustrations, there will be 1) no talk of vanities. 2) there will be no falsehood, insincerity or hollowness.
5910-12. No one may argue w/ Allah about the gifts which He may bestow on His devotees, or about the Penalty which His Justice may inflict for sin; special dignitaries to plead for the sinners, may plead but only in truth and righteousness.
5911. "The Spirit" refers to the angel Gabriel
5912. SURAH 78 Verse 37, 38 -- they may plead for the sinners?! Isn't Allah all-knowing and seeing..? Why the need for "special dignitaries" to plead for sinners to begin with?
5914!!!!!!!! Is Judgment very near? Yes. There are three stages of Judgment
5917. The souls of the wicked are loath to part w/ their material body at death; their souls will be wrenched out into another world.
5918. The souls of the blessed will be drawn out gently to their new life. Death for them will be a release from the grosser incidents of bodily sense.
5919. At all times there are errands of mercy and blessing and errands of justice, which the angels are prompt to execute by order of Allah. Their movement is compared to that of gliding, in hurrying on their orders the angels press forth as in a race. And thus they promptly execute.
5920-22. Judgment Day - the whole world as we now see it in our lower life will be in violent revolution. It will be like an earthquake destroying all landmarks. Again and again to make way for a new world. All hearts will be in agitation - the blessed ones for their seeing the beginning of the fulfillment of their Lord's promise; those of the rejecters of Allah for fear of His just judgment.
5924. The unbelievers' reaction to the Resurrection.
5925-26. There is a Lesser Judgment and a final judgment
5927-30. Allah's grace was offered through a major prophet, Moses, to an arrogant blasphemer and rebel against Allah's Law, like Pharaoh.
5931. The Great Sign, shown by Moses to Pharaoh; (the White shining Hands; the rod that became a snake in motion)
5934!!!!!!!!!!!! If man grows arrogant to Allah, he is reminded that he is only an insignificant speck in Allah's spacious creation. All the excellence that man acquires is the gift of Allah, who has bestowed upon him a high Destiny if he fulfills his purpose of his Creation.
5935. The mystery of the Heavens w/ their countless stars, planets, sun and moon, obeying the laws of motion, influencing the climate of the Earth from thousands of millions of miles illustrates the order and perfection which Allah has given to His Creation.
5936. The night and Day have each its own beauty and its utility for man.
5938. The wonderful springs and rivers and glaciers give corn, fruits, and vegetables to man, and pastures and feeding grounds to beasts of the fields.
5939. The mountains (eternal hills) are the main reservoirs for the storage and gradual distribution of water, the very basis of the life of man and beast.
5940. Everything on Earth has, by Allah's bountiful providence, been arranged to be of use and convenience of man and the lower life. Man's own intelligence and initiative, are also gifts of Allah.
5941. Judgment Day- is the time for sorting out all things according to their true intrinsic and eternal values.
5942. The Judgment will be not only for his acts but for his motives, "all he strove for". The Fire of Punishment will be plainly visible to him, and not only to him, but it will be "for all to see".
5944. The Punishment will be for those who had given themselves up to the vanities and lusts of this lower life. This Punishment will not touch those of minor sins, whose deeds will be weighed in the balance against their good deeds.
5945. The contrast is complete and parallel: the persistent rebels against Allah's Law who preferred the lower life, are to dwell in the Fire of Punishment, while those who restrained their lower desires, will dwell in the Gardens.
5947. Our Time has no sort of comparison w/ the timeless state in the new spiritual world in which the final Judgment will take place.
5948. The Warning is only effective for those who believe in Allah and the Final Day. It is to lead such new men and help them, that Prophets are sent.
5949. When we make up from the sleep of Death at the Resurrection, we shall not know whether it was the following moment or the following hour after we slept, but we shall feel that it is morning.
5952!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Message of Allah works first amongst the simple and lowly, the poor and despised folks. And the mighty ones of the Earth only come in when the stream rushes in w/ irresistible force.
5953. Allah's Message is for all, but if the great ones arrogantly keep back from it, it is no fault of the preacher, so long as he has proclaimed the message.
5954!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the blind man who interrupted The Holy Prophet while he was deeply and earnestly engaged in trying to explain the Qur'an to Pagan Quraish Leaders.
5955. Allah's Message is Universal, from which no one is to be excluded,- rich or poor, old or young, learned or ignorant. If anyone had the spiritual craving that needed satisfaction, (i.e. the blind man), he was to be given precedence (if there was to be any question of precedence).
5956. The legend that the early suras were not, carefully written down and preserved in books is a pure invention. Those who transcribed it were men who were honorable, just and pious.
5957!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, made in the best of moulds,- explained...... The middle Path has been made easy or him.
5960. On Food... how the forces of heaven and earth unite by Allah's Command to serve man and his dependents... If that is the case w/ just one item (food), how much more comprehensive is Allah's beneficence when the whole of man's needs are considered.
5961-63. The water comes from the clouds in plentiful abundance; the earth is ploughed, and the soil is broken up in fragments, and yields an abundant harvest of cereals (corn), fruits, vegetables, as well as fruit that can be kept for long periods of time (olives, dates). As well as lofty trees, grass, and all kinds of fodder.
5966-67. On Judgment Day, those nearest and dearest will not be able to help each other on that Day.... The Sinful will be occupied w/ their own sorrows and will be occupied w/ themselves. On the other hand, the righteous will be united w/ their righteous families, and their faces will be beaming, laughing, rejoicing.
5968. The dust on the faces of the sinners will be in contrast to the beaming light on the faces of the righteous... Moreover, the humbly and lowly may be "in the dust" in this life, and the arrogant sinners in sunshine, but roles will be reversed at Judgment.
5969. Judgment Day's affects upon our souls, and on nature's processes ceasing to function.
5970. 1) The Sun on Judgment Day
5971. 2) The Stars on Judgment Day
5972. 3) The Mountains on Judgment Day
5973. 4) The She-Camel on Judgment Day
5974. 5) The Wild Animals on Judgment Day
5975. 6) The Oceans on Judgment Day
5976. 7) The Organization of good and evil will create a world of perfect peace.
5977. 8) Evidence to brought by victims, justifyingly pleading against evil's perpetrators, will be summoned.
5978. 9) The Scrolls of the deeds of man, good and bad, will be opened before. the whole tales of acts, omissions, motives, neglect, spiritual hurt, or laid help be laid bare.
5979. 10) the inmost state of every soul will then become plain.
5980. 11) Then will burn the "blazing fire of the Hell".
5981. 12) The Garden will come into sight
5983. 13) And then in conclusion, will each soul know its full realization.
5985. On Planets....
5986. Night into Day, spiritual darkness into Revelation
5987!!!!!!!! The slow "breathing out" of the Darkness by the dawn
5988. The bringer of the Message of Allah was the angel Gabriel, and not an evil spirit.
5989!!!!!!!!!! on the Angel Gabriel
5990!!!!!!!!! on the Prophet Muhammad; known to be an honorable, truthful, and trustworthy man, not of demoniacal possession.
5992-93. The context of Muhammad receiving such a Revelation in the light of Truth and not evil.
5994!!!!!!!!!!!! This Word (of Allah) is no word of a mortal. It is full of divine wisdom, sane to the core and in accordance w/ human needs. It freely directs to the right path, forbidding the path of evil. Why then hesitate? Accept the divine Grace; repent of your sins; and come to the higher life.
5995. Allah's Message is not meant for one class or race; it is universal, and is addressed to all.
5996. Allah is the Cherisher of the Worlds. His Guidance is open to all. But that will (to profit by Allah's guidance) must be exercised in conforming w/ Allah's Will.
5997-00. Characteristics of Judgment Day
6001. Death will bring forth Life.
6002. "Sent forward and kept back"
6005-06. Allah puts forth His Perfect Knowledge, wisdom, and goodness unto the "Form(s)" he creates
6007. There are spiritual agencies around to help Allah's Forms; Guardian Angels.
6008. The sinner will be given every chance of repentance and amendment.
6009-10!!!!!!!! Judgment Day, and Personal Responsibility will be fully enforced!
6011!!!!!!! Legal and social sanctions against Fraud depend on tangible evidence of being found out. Moral and religious sanctions are of a different kind. Do you wish to degrade your own nature?
6013-14. Sijn, A prison. Sijin is the name of the register of black-deeds, for those who do wrong.
6015. Those who deny personal responsibility for their soul can only be pitied; they deny by playing w/ falsehoods.
6017!!!!!!!!! On the Heart; and the impact of sinful deeds, upon the tarnishing of the heart.
6018. The stain of sin upon the heart sullies the mirror of the heart so that it does not receive the light.
6019-21. Illiyun; the register of the Righteous'-deeds - "high places" - opposite of the sijin.
6024!!!!!!!! The pure Wine - highly esteemed #musk
6025. Let those aspire, who have aspirations: understand the true and lasting values, this is the kind of bliss to aspire for.
6027!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The wicked laugh at the righteous... (four points).
6029. The tables will then be reversed, and he laughs best who laughs last.
6030. The Righteous on their raised stature of seats, will see the true values restored, in their own favor... they will also see the arrogant braggarts brought low, who brought their own downfall by their own actions.
6031. The passing away of this World of Reality for a new World of Reality is indicated by two Facts: 1) the Sky being rent asunder and giving up its secrets. 2) the Earth being flattened out and giving up its secrets.
6032!!!!!!!!!!! We may think that the heavens we see above us, - high and sacred, seemingly vast and limitless, eternal and timeless - are not created matter. But they are. And they remain just so long as Allah wills it so. As soon as His Command issues for their dissolution, they will obey and vanish and all their mystery will be emptied out.
6033-34!!!!!!!!! The Earth is a globe, enclosing within it many secrets and mysteries - gold and diamonds in its mines, heat and magnetic forces in its entrails and the bodies of countless generations of men buried within its soil. But the Earth itself will dissolve into a truer reality. It will lose its shape as a globe, and cease to exist.
6036!!!!!!!!!!! This life is ever full of toil and misery. "Our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest thought". It is the noblest men that have to scorn delights and live laborious days in this life. The good suffer on account of their very goodness: the evil on account of their evil.
6037. The Fortunate ones of the Right Hand; who spent their lives in truth and goodness: they will receive more than their merits deserve, on account of infinite grace and mercy of Allah.
6039. The Sinful will receive their Records in their left hand, behind their back.
6041. The sinful's self-conceit will give place to weeping and gnashing of teeth. The wicked will cry for death and annihilation.
6042!!!!!!!!!!! Most of the Evil in this world is due to... The false idea, that man is not responsible for every deed, word, and thought of his, to whom he has to return to, to give an account of himself. To remember this and act accordingly is to achieve salvation.
6043. Ye shall surely travel from stage to stage. Nothing in this life is fixed or will last. Three things are mentioned - which have remained from age to age, and yet each of them is but a short phase, gone as it were in the twinkling of an eye.
6044-46. 1) The Sun - the beautiful glow it leaves is but momentary: it changes every moment, and vanishes. 2) The Night - collects all livelihood for their return home to rest/sleep. So will it be with our souls when this life is ended with our death. We shall be collected in a newer and larger Homing. 3) The astronomical Full Moon does not last a moment. The moment the moon is full she begins to decline. So is a man's life, here below. It is not fixed or permanent, either in its physical phases or even more strikingly, in its finer phases; intellectually, emotionally, or spiritual.
6047. Man travels and ascends stage by stage. Man's spiritual life can similarly be compared to an ascent from one heaven to another.
6048. Man's high destiny, and the fact that this life is but a stage for him, welcoming Allah's Revelation and ascending into heights of spiritual wisdom is best for him.
6051. Signs against the wicked persecutors of the righteous: 1) The Constellations (12 zodiacs) 2) the Day of Judgment 3) Certain persons will be witnesses
6052. The stars of the Zodiac are like eyes of the Night. It may be that crimes are committed in the darkness of the night, but countless eyes are watching all the time.
6054. On Judgment Day, the witnesses of the sinners may be various ... (as listed in commentary).
6055. Making of the pit fire in which they burn people for their Faith? there is the story of Abraham, against Nimrud. The Story of Zu-nuwas who persecuted the Christians of Najran.
6057-58. The persecutors will richly deserve to be punished in the fire of Hell. That punishment will be far more real and lasting than the undeserved cruelty which they inflicted on men, for their Faith in the one true God.
6062. Allah's Will is itself the Word, and the deed. No circumstances, whatever, can come between His Will and the execution thereof.
6063!!!!! On Pharaoh, and Thamud... they defied the law of Allah and perished.
6064-65. The Unbelievers persist (in all ages) in defying Allah's Laws, but Allah will know how to deal with them. The wicked will be defeated from all sorts of unexpected directions.
6066. Allah's Message endures forever. It is eternal, "inscribed in a tablet preserved"
6067. the Man of Faith and Truth has nothing to Fear. In the darkest sky shines out most brilliantly the light of the most brilliant star. So in the night of spiritual darkness (ignorance or distress) shines Allah's revelation. There is no soul but has a protector over it.
6068. The Star of piercing brightness referred to, could be the morning star, or the planet Saturn, or Sirius, or Pleiads, or shooting stars.
6069!!!!!!!!!!!! If man has a true spiritual understanding, he has nothing to be afraid of. He is protected by Allah in many ways that he does not even know. He may be an insignificant creature as a mere animal, but his soul raises him to a dignity above other creation. And all sorts of divine forces guard and protect him.
6071!!!!!!!! On man's seed (sperm). His backbone is the source and symbol of his strength and personality. The spinal cord and brain is the directive energy of the central nervous system.
6072-73. Allah can surely give new life after this physical death here. All of our actions, motives, thoughts, imaginings, will be brought into the open and tested by the Standards of Truth.
6075. the Earth seems hard, but springs gush forth, and vegetables sprout through it and make it green and soft. So is Truth: hard perhaps to mortals, but through the agency of revelation, it allows our inner personality to sprout and blossom forth.
6077. Plots will be of no avail, and Allah's Purpose will prevail.
6079!!!!!!! Dealing w/ Evil... Gentle forbearance w/ Evil shows our trust in Allah and Allah's Plan: for it can never be frustrated. This does not mean that we should assist or compromise evil. It means patience and humility when we have no visible power to prevent Evil.
"Allah has made man capable of Progress by ordered steps, and by his Revelation will lead him still higher to purification"
6080. "Lord" is an inadequate rendering for the world "Rabb" in Arabic. "Guardian-Lord" is sufficient.
6081-83. The Story of Creation is wonderful and continuous. First, He brings us into being. Secondly, He endows us w/ forms and faculties exactly suited to what is expected of us, and to the environment in which our life will be cast... giving due order and proportion to everything. Thirdly, He has ordained laws by which we can develop ourselves and fit into His whole scheme of evolution... Fourthly he has given us guidance, so that we are not the sport of mechanical laws. fifthly, after maturity comes decay, whereupon we sub-serve other ends.
6084. The Soul, as it reaches the Light of Allah, makes gradual progress.. So too the Qur'an was revealed by stages; all Revelation form Allah comes by stages.
6085. Everyone who understands the Message must declare it, in words, and still move in his conduct.
6086. From Moses to Jesus, and from Jesus to Muhammad. We should forget some things of past, lest our minds become confused or our development retarded.
6087. The path of Islam is simple and easy. It depends on no abstruse mysteries or self-mortification, but on straight and manly conduct in accordance with the laws of man's nature. On the other hand, spiritual perfection may be most difficult, for it involves complete surrender on our part, to Allah, in our affairs, thoughts and desires. But after that surrender Allah's Grace will make our path easy.
6088!!!!!!! ~~ON SALLOUM AND MY FAN BASE~~ ... "Cast not Pearls before Swine"... where Islam's message may be heeded and not... This is not so strong as the Biblical phrase, "Cast not pearls before swine" (Matt. vii. 6). The cases where admonition does produce spiritual profit and where it does not, are mentioned below in verses 10 and 11-13 respectively. Allah's Message should be proclaimed to all: but particular and personal admonitions are also due to those who attend and in whose hearts is the fear of Allah;; in the case of those who run away from it and dishonor it, such particular and personal admonition is useless. They are the unfortunate ones who prepare their own ruin.
6089. The Great Fire is the final punishment in the Hereafter, as contrasted w/ the minor Penalties from which all evil suffers from within in this very life.
6090. Evil ones introduce discord into creation. The evil lives ruin their own future.
6092. The first process in godliness is to cleanse ourselves in body, mind, and soul. That leads us to our actual absorption in praise and prayer.
6093. the Law of Righteousness is not a new law, but spiritual truths have to be remembered and reiterated again and again.
6094. No book of Abraham has come down to us. The Gospels were written not by Jesus, but about him, and long after his death.
6096. The Day of Judgment is the event of overwhelming importance in which all our petty differences of this imperfected world are covered over and overwhelmed in a new world of perfect justice and truth.
6098. On the faces of the wicked will appear the hard labor and consequent fatigue of the task they will have in battling against the fierce Fire which their own deeds will have kindled.
6099. "No food will be for them (in Hell) but a bitter Dhari" - bitter and thorny, loathsome in smell and appearance, which will give neither nourishment nor satisfy the pangs of hunger, a fit plant for Hell - like Zaqqum.
6100-01. The striving of the Righteous is pleasurable, with at times, persecution but brings inward satisfaction.
6102. the adornments of the Afterlife for the Righteous.
6103!!!!!!!! on Camels.... and their great characteristics
6104!!!!!!!! on the sky (blue vault high above,- with Sun and Moon, the Stars and Planets; Full of beauty and magnificence, design and order, plainness and mystery.
6105-06!!!!!!! From the Camels to the Heavens above us, to the Mountains storing water, to the Earth as a whole, spread out with plan and purpose.
6107!!!!!!! The Prophet of Allah is sent to teach and direct people on the way. He is not sent to force their will, or to punish them.
Man's history and legendary lore show that Greatness does not last, and the proudest are brought low
6108!!!!!! on Dawn time; the compelling power of the dawn.
6109 A. On Ten nights. In times of paganism various superstitions were introduced which Islam swept away.
6109 B. On Hajj!!!!!!! (it's meaning and way of procedure)
6110. The contrast between even and odd forms.
6112. How from utter depths of Darkness, Allah's light can lead us into the most beautiful shine. By contrast, how resistance to Allah's Light would convert our greatness and glory to perdition. the average man does not understand these long-range mysteries of life, and we have need to pray that we may be of "those who understand".
6113-14. The people of Ad possessed an ancient civilization, which succumbed when they persistently broke Allah's Law. the Ad were a tall race.
6116. the Thamud civilization shows traces of Egyptian, Syrian, and later Greek and Roman influences. They built fine temples, tombs, and building out of a solid rock.
6117. Neither the Ad, Thamud, and Pharaoh - nations nor individuals, however mighty, prosperous, or firmly established they may be, can live if they transgress the Law of Allah.
6118. Even though Allah's punishment is delayed, His providence is ever vigilant. His punishment of evil doers is a form of justice to the weak and the righteous whom they oppress. It is part of the signification of his title as "Rabb" (cherisher).
6119!!!!!!!!!!!! Allah tries us w/ both prosperity and adversity: in one we should show humility and kindness (for prosperity); and in the other patience and faith (for adversity). On the contrary, we get puffed up in prosperity and depressed in adversity, putting false values on this world's goods.
6120. Subsistence... Allah provides for all... but people complain if the provision is measured and restricted to their needs or is different from that given to people in quite different circumstances.
6121!!!!!! Even at our own valuable, if we are favored with superfluities, do we think of the fatherless children or the struggling poor? On the contrary, too many men are but ready to embezzle the helpless orphan's inheritance, and to waste their own substance in worthless riot instead of supplying the people's real needs.
6122. On Charity... Kindness and generosity set up standards which even worldly men feel bound to follow out of social considerations, even if they are not moved by higher motives. But the wicked find plausible excuses for their won hard-heartedness.
6123!!!!!! Inheritance is abused in two ways. 1) they selfishly devour the property. 2) they live in idleness or waste their days in riotous show.
6124. On the Day of Reckoning, whether we failed to respect the rights of the helpless or actually suppressed those rights in our mad love for the good things of this life, we shall have to answer in the Realm of Reality.
6125. Retribution will at last come. Why not bring forth the fruits of repentance now.
6126. "Chastisement" and "binding in bonds" are two distinct phases of the Penalty
6128. Evil finds itself isolated, and cries out in lonely agony, while good receives a warm welcome from the Lord of Goodness Himself.
6129. "Enter My Heave!". Allah owns Heaven. May we reach it through Allah's grace
copy page 1954.
6130. Man is born for toil and struggle
6131. The Prophet should have been honored in his native city of Makkah. Instead he was actually persecuted. He should have been loved as a child. He was an orphan. Actually his life was being sought, and those who believed in him were under a ban.
6132. The relationship between Muhammad and his home city of Makkah that rejected him.
6133!!!!!!!!!!! Man's life is full of sorrow and vexation; Man is born to strive and struggle; and if he suffers from hardships, he must exercise patience for Allah will make his way smooth for him. On the other hand no man should boast of worldly goods or worldly prosperity.
6134!!!!!!!!!! On wealth, status, position, power. All his gifts and advantages are given to him for trial.
6135!!!!!!!! The man who feels no responsibility for his acts and thinks he can do what he likes, forgets his responsibility to Allah. He boasts of his wealth and scatters it about, for a time may, but a rude awakening must come soon, for he bases his hopes on unsubstantial things. Or if he spends his substance of self-indulgence, he is weakening himself and putting himself into snares that must destroy him.
6136. Allah watches him and sees all his acts and motives. Let him look within himself and use the faculties which Allah has given him.
6138. The two highways of life 1) the steep difficult path of virtue. 2) the easy path of vice and the rejection of Allah. Allah has given us the judgment to choose our own way; and He has sent us Teachers and Guides, with Revelation, to show us the right and difficult way.
6139!!!!!!!!!!!! In spite of the Guidance which Allah has given man, he (man) by no means has been eager to follow the steep and difficult path which is for his own spiritual good. "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, and few there be that find it.
6140-43!!!!!!!!!!!! The difficult path of virtue is found as the path of charity or unselfish love: 1) freeing the bondman. 2) feeding the orphan. 3) feeding the indigent down in the dust.
6144!!!!!!!!!!!! Practical charity and love will be the acid test of Faith and the teaching of all virtues. The virtues are summed up under the names of Patience (constancy and self-restraint) and compassionate kindness.
6147!!!!!!!!! The soul of man, with internal order and proportion in its capacities and faculties, as made by Allah, having been endowed w/ the power of discriminating between right and wrong, the conclusion is stated: Man's success or failure, prosperity or bankruptcy, would depend upon his keeping that soul pure or his corrupting it.
6148. the Sun, alike the Prophets, illuminates our world, and the moon, alike the minor teachers of the Universal message, are alike the Moon in its ebb and flow of reflection, from its original source (of the Prophets Sun).
6150. Unity between the sky (rain), the earth (food), the sun (the heat and warmth for food cultivation).
6152!!!!!!!!! On the soul...... Allah makes the Soul with proportion and relative perfection according to our particular circumstances in which it has to live its life. He breathes into it understanding of what sin is, wrong-doing, and what is piety and right conduct, in the special circumstances it may be placed. This is the most previous gift of all to man, the faculty of distinguishing between right and wrong. Man should learn that his success, his prosperity, his salvation depends on himself,-on his keeping his soul, pure as Allah made it; and his failure, his decline, his perdition depends on his soiling his soul.
6154. The story of Thamud - their prophet was Salih; he had to deal with an arrogant people who oppressed the poor and doomed them their rights of watering and pasture for their cattle.
6155-57. the Prophet Salih and the story of the she-camel killed by the people of Thamud.
6158. Allah decreed the total destruction of the Thamud. Salih had warned the wicked accordingly; he was saved by Allah's mercy as a just and righteous man.
Here we are told to strive our utmost towards Allah, and He will give us every help and satisfaction
6159!!!!!!! On Perseverance... Men's aims must be pursued; he must strive hard to put himself in a position to reach it in all its glory.
6161!!!!!! On Love... #marriage. Male, female; each performs it's own functions have special characters, primary and secondary within limited spheres, and yet both have common characteristics. Each is indispensable to the other. Love in its noblest sense is the type of heavenly love and the highest good; in its debasement it leads to the lowest sings and worst crimes. Striving is necessary for the highest good.
6162!!!! On good and evil... There are wide contrasts in the nature and aims of men; good and evil. So evil, like night, may for a time obscure good but cannot blot it out. Do not be surprised or depressed.
6163!!!!! The Good are distinguished by three signs: 1) large-hearted sacrifices for Allah and men. 2) Righteous conduct by fear of Allah in action and mentally. 3) Truth and sincerity in recognizing all that is morally beautiful.
6164!!!!! The righteous will enjoy their life more and more, and Allah will make their path smoother and smoother until they reach bliss.
6165!!!!! The evil are distinguished by three signs: 1) Selfish greed and denial of other people's rights. 2) arrogance. 3) dishonoring Truth out of spite, or seeing ugliness where there is beauty.
6166. On wealth... Wealth amassed in this world will be of no use at the Day of Judgment. What will will be a life of truth and righteousness, and goodness to all the creates of Allah.
6167!!!!!!! Allah has provided full guidance. All through His creation there are sign-post indicating the right-way. He has given to man the five senses of perception with mental and spiritual faculties for coordinating his physical perceptions and leading him to higher and higher thought and feeling.
6168!!!!!! Man's free-will, he is expected to use it in such a way as to bring his whole being into harmony with the Universe.
6169. The Fire of Punishment will reach any who have deliberately sinned against their conscience and rejected Allah's Truth.
6170. Those most devoted to Allah - live lives of purity, and seek only for the "Face of their Lord"
6171!!!!!!! "Those who spend their wealth for increase in self-purification". The spending may be for charity, good works such as advancing the cause of knowledge, or supporting ideals. Wealth must be understood not only for money or material goods, but also for any advantage or opportunity which a man happens to enjoy and can place at the service of others.
6172. On Zakat... A man's proper use of wealth increases his position and dignity in the moral and spiritual world. Zakaa implies both increase and purification.
6173!!!!!!!!!! The intention of performing Zakat. The good man does not give in charity or do his good deeds expecting some reward.
6174. Every righteous man will have his own bliss, for there are degrees in virtue and bliss. What would seem to be sacrifice from other points of view, becomes their own highest pleasure and satisfaction. #righteousness #charity #self-sacrifice.
6175!!!!!! on The Dawn... The stillness of the night may seem lonely, but we are not alone, nor forsaken by Allah. Nor is such preparation (instilled within its existence) without immediate results, a sign of Allah's displeasure. ... From sunrise to noon, is the true type of growth in life and work.
6177. The early years of Prophet Muhammad's ministry might well have seemed blank. After he received inspiration, there were days and periods of waiting. A sense of loneliness might well have weighed on his mind... His own tribe (Quraish) jeered at him, taunted and threatened him, and slandered and persecuted him and those who believed in him. But his faith was never shaken unlike Jesus (Mark xvi. 34). Nor did the Prophets mind think that Allah was angry with him, as taunts of his enemies suggested.
6178!!!!!!!!! ~~My path and duty in my work~~ ... To the man who prepares for spiritual work/growth, the chief thing is typified by the growing hours of the morning. He should not be discouraged, nor overcome with a sense of loneliness, in his early struggles or difficulties. The end will crown his work. Allah's care is always around him. If unsympathetic critics laugh at him or taunt him with being "mad" or "old-fashioned" or "plowing his lonely furrow", his steady faith will uphold.
6179. To the truly devout man, each succeeding moment is better than the preceding it. His soul is filled with more and more satisfaction as he goes on.
6180!!!!!!! We are assured that feelings of doubt and suffering will vanish when our will is identified w/ the Will of Allah.
6181!!!!!! Judge the future in its past... Allah has been good to you in your past experience! Trust his goodness in the future also.
6182!!!! On Muhammad Being an Orphan... Our Prophet himself was an orphan. His father Abdullah died young before the father was born, leaving a little property. The Prophets mother Amina was in ailing health, and he was brought up by his nurse Halima. His mother herself died when he was six years old. His aged grandfather "Abdul Muttalib" treated Muhammad as his own son, but died two years later. Therefore his uncle Abu Talib treated him as his own son. He was thus an orphan in more senses than one, and yet the love he received from each of these persons was greater than ordinary parental love.
6183!!!! On the time in which Muhammad lived... The holy prophet was born in the midst of the idolatry and polytheism of Makkah, in a family (Quraish) which was a custodian of this false worship. He wandered in quest of Unity and found it by the guidance of Allah ~ We may err and find ourselves in mazes of error, in thought, motive, or understanding: we must pray for Allah's grace ever to give us guidance.
6184!!!!!!!! On my E&R theme (materialism; relationship w/ Ahel). ~copy whole thing written
6185. The Prophet treated all orphans w/ tender affection and respect, setting an example to his contemporaries, who frequently took advantage of the helpless position of orphans, and looked upon them as subordinates to be repressed and kept in their place... Helpless creatures ought to be treated as sacred trusts; creatures of any kind unable to assert themselves.
6186!!!!!!!!!!! On Idle sturdy Societal Beggars... They're mere parasites on society. ~ On giving Charity to those worthy and those unworthy.
6187!!!!!!!!! On Giving... If you are bountifully endowed by Allah, your duty is to make that Bounty spread far and wide. Proclaim it and share it, as the holy Prophet always did. We all owe it as a duty to our fellow men to be kind and helpful to those less endowed in any respect than ourselves... ooh la la lah "I speak solutions for illsssss and bless the less blessed!"
6188!!!!!!!!!!!!! The breast is symbolically the seat of knowledge and the highest feelings of love and affection, the treasure house... copy this whole thing
6189!!!!! On fighting sin single-handedly... Allah sends his Grace and aid, and that burden is removed or converted into joy and triumph.
6190!!!!! On Prophet Muhammad's Greatness... The Prophet's virtius and magnanimity of his character, and his love for mankind were fully recognized even in his lifetime, and his name stands highest among the heroic leaders of mankind.
6191!!!! Whatever difficulties or troubles are encountered by men, Allah always provides a solution, a way out, a relief, a way to lead, if we only follow His Path and show patience and well-doing. The solution or relief does not merely come after the difficulty: it is provided with it.
6192. When faced with difficulties from the world... When that happens, that does not finish the labors of the man of Allah. It is only one step to them. He has constantly and insistently to go on. When there is rest from the task of instructing the world, the contact with the spiritual kingdom continues, and in indeed it becomes more intimate and concentrated.
6193!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worldly greatness or success may be a means to an end, but it may also be a hindrance to true spiritual greatness. Allah is the goal of the righteous man's whole attention and desire.
Allah created man in the best of moulds, but that man is capable of (the utmost) degradation unless he leads a good life (has Faith).
"Except such as believe and do righteous deeds: For they shall have a reward unfailing"
6194!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the Fig fruit... it can stand as a symbol of man's destiny in many ways. Under cultivation it can be one of the finest, most delicious, and most wholesome fruits in existence: in its wild state, it is nothing but tiny seeds, and is insipid, and often full of worms and maggots.
3000-02!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the Olive and it's symbolism and significance!
6196. on Mount Sinai, the mountain on which the Law was given to Moses
6197. ON MAKKAH... The "City of Security" is Makkah. Even in Pagan times, it's sacred character was respected and no fighting was allowed in its territory. But the same city, with all its sacred associations, persecuted the greatest of the Prophets and gave itself up for a time to idoltry and sin, thus presenting the contrast of the best and the worst.
6198!!!!!!!!! Makkah stands for Islam; Sinai for Israel; the Mount of Olives for Christ's original and pure message.
6199. There is no fault in Allah's creation. To man, Allah gave the purest and best nature!!!!! Man's duty is to preserve the pattern Allah gave him. Allah exalted him (man) in posse, even higher than the angels, for the angels had to make obeisance to him. But man's position as vicegerent also gives him free-will and discretion, and if he uses them wrongly he falls even lower than the beasts.
6200. If man follow after evil, he will be abased to the lowest possible position. Those who use their faculties and follow Allah's Law will reach the high and noble destiny intended for them.
6202. Allah is wise and just. Therefore the righteous have nothing to fear, but the evil ones cannot escape punishment.
The chief obstacle, to the delivery of the message (to man), is man's own obstinacy, vanity, and insolence.
6203. "My first album intro should be similar to "iqraa". Allah's message to Muhammad was Iqraa "read" or "recite" or "rehearse", "proclaim aloud" (Allah's message). In world letter Muhammad was unversed, but with spiritual knowledge his mind and soul were filled, and now had come the time when he must stand forth to the world and declare his mission.
6204. "Iqraa"... The declaration of proclamation was to be in the name of Allah the Creator. It was not for any personal benefit to the Prophet: to him there was to come bitter persecution, sorrow, and suffering. It was the call of Allah for the benefit of erring humanity.
6205. The seeking of knowledge... No knowledge is withheld from man, and he acquires it in such measure as outstrips his immediate understanding and leads him ever to strive for newer and newer meaning. This is the high destiny of man offered to him in his intellectual, moral, and spiritual nature.
6206!!!!!!!!!! "knowledge' and "teach" are from the same root word. Qaraa has a comprehensive meaning, and it runs throughout the Qur'an for those who will understand.
6207!!!!!!!!!!!! On Knowledge ... Allah teaches us new knowledge at every given moment. Individuals learn more and more day by day; nations and humanity at large learn fresh knowledge at every stage. This is even more noticeable and important in the spiritual world.
6208. All our knowledge and capacities come as gifts from Allah. The gifts may be strength or beauty, wealth, position or power, or the more subtle gifts of knowledge or talents in individuals,-or science, or art, or government, or organization for mankind in general.
6209. Man is not self-sufficient, either as an individual or in his collective capacity. If he arrogates Allah's gifts to himself, he is reminded -backwards of his lowly physical origin (from a drop of animal matter).
6210. Perverse humanity, seeks not only to rebel against Allah's Law, but also to prevent others from following it. On Abu Jahl, an inveterate enemy of Islam. He was arrogant and purse-proud and met his end in the battle of Badr.
6211. Man's insolence leads to two results: 1) self-destruction through self-misleading. 2) a false example or false guidance to others. The righteous man must test human guidance, by the question "is there Allah's guidance behind it?" "Does it lead to righteousness".
6212. The usual trick of the ungodly is to refuse to face Truth. They deny what is obvious to reasonable men, and turn their backs.
6214. The Pagan Quraish were in sympathy w/ Abu Jahl, but they could not, all combined, resist the onward march of the divine message, though they did all they could.
6215!!!!!!!! All combined forces of evil, though they may have worldly appearances in their favor, and though they may seem to be successful for a time, cannot stand against Allah. He has but to command His forces, and they will subdue evil, protect Allah's votaries, and justify the faith for which the votaries suffer.
6216!!!!!!!! The righteous man has no fear. He can disregard all forces of evil that are brought against him. But the might learn humility: that is his defense. He must have the will to bring himself closer to Allah.
6217-18. On the "night of power"... It is the 23rd, 25th, or 27th night of Ramadan, or other nights as well have been suggested. The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. It transcends Time: for it is Allah's Power dispelling the Darkness of Ignorance, by his Revelation, in every kind of affair. ... One moment of enlightenment under Allah's Light is better than thousands of months or years of animal Life.
6221!!!!!! On the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) receiving scriptures in the same line of prophecy in which came our holy Prophet. The Jews and Christians fell from the true straight, and standard religion, into devious ways, and would not come to the true Path until (they said) they were convinced by their arrival of the promised Prophet. But when the promised Prophet came in the person of Muhammad, they rejected him because they really did not seek for Truth but only followed their own fancies and desires.
6227. The responsibility of the People of the Book is greater than that of pagans, because the people of the book had been prepared for the straight Religion, yet they resisted it.
6228!!!!!!!! The three eternal principles of Religion are: 1) sincere devotion to Allah. 2) Prayer and praise as drawing man nearer to Allah. 3) The service by deeds of practical charity.
6231. Honor in the sight of Allah is not due to race or color, but to sincere and righteous conduct. ... To be given the faculty of discrimination between right and wrong and then to reject truth and right is the worst folly which a creature endowed with will can commit.
6232!!!!!!!!!! Human beings who live a life of faith and good deed... They attain the fulfillment of their highest hopes.
6233. The truly saved is he whose will has become completely identified w/ Allah's Universal Will.
6234. The "Fear of Allah" is the fear to offend against his Holy Law. Such fear is akin to Love.
6235. The overwhelming event (earthquake) which will usher in the Judgment Day will be a bigger and more far-reaching convulsion than any earthquakes that we know.
6236. An earthquake, if accompanied by a volcanic eruption, throws up enormous boulders and lava. They may be all kinds of minerals and treasures buried for secrecy. So in judgment Day, the dead who had been buried and forgotten will rise.
6239. In this world, good and evil are mixed together, but they will be sorted out and they will show the exact import of everything that they had thought, said, or done in the Dunya life.
6240. The weight of an atoms worth of deed will be brought to account and it will be done openly and convincingly.
Truly man is, To Allah, ungrateful; And to that (fact) He bears witness (by his deeds); And violent is he in his love of wealth. Does he not know,- when that which is in the graves is scattered abroad And that which is (locked up) in (human) breasts is made manifest - That their Lord had been well-acquainted with them, (even to) that day?
6241. Look at the chargers (animals of battle) panting for war on behalf of their masters. Does unregenerate man show that fidelity to His Lord Allah? On the contrary, he is ungrateful to Allah; he shows that by his violent deeds for wealth and gain and things that perish.
6244. The clouds of dust typify the ignorance and confusion in the minds of those who opposed truth.
6245. The forces of evil mass themselves for strength, but their massing itself may become a means of their speedy undoing.
6246. Unregenerate man, in contrast to those who receive guidance and wage unceasing war with Evil, is ungrateful to Allah, Him who sends His blessings and favors at all times. The ingratitude may, be shown by thoughts, words, and deeds - by forgetting or denying Allah and His goodness, by misusing His gifts, or by injustice to His Creatures.
6248. What an evil choice that he makes in committing treason against his won Benefactor by going after the petty baubles of this world's wealth of fleeting gains.
6250. Allah's knowledge is full and vigilant at all times. But on that day it will reveal to men secrets which they had long forgotten, for the Book of their Deeds will be made manifest at Judgment.
6251. On the Day of Noise and clamour (Day of Judgment).
6252. On the end of Times Apocalypse.
6253. The mountains on the Day of Judgment will be scattered about like flakes... This is a metaphor to show that what we consider very substantial in this life will be as an airy nothing in the next world.
6254. Good deeds will be weighed and appraised; it will take into account motives, temptations, provocations, surrounding conditions, antecedents, subsequent amends, and all possible connected circumstances.
6257!!!!!!!!!!!! A life of capitalistic acquisition (for wealth, position) may snare one from the good life.
6259. Kinds of knowledge: a) Certainty of the mind/inference. b) we shall instruct our minds to value the deeper things in life. If we do not use our reasoning faculties now, we shall see with our own eyes the penalty of our sins: it will be certain of sight.
All history shows that Evil came to an evil end. But Time is always in favor of those who have Faith, live clean, and pure lives, and know how to wait, in patience and constancy.
6262. Time,- one of the creations of Allah. If we merely run a race against time, we shall lose. It is the spiritual part of us that conquers Time.
6263. A life of material gains is a life of loss of a scoreboard. It will only show profit/a win, if he leads a good life, and contributes to social welfare by directing and encouraging other people on the Path of Truth.
6264. Faith is (your) armor, which wards off the wounds of the material world; and his righteous life is his positive contribution to spiritual ascent.
6265. If (man) lived only for himself, he would not fulfill his whole duty. Whatever good he has, especially in moral life, he must spread among his brethren, so that they may see the Truth and stand by it, unshaken amidst the storm of stress of life. For he and they will then have attained peace within.
pg 2004: "Oath" defined. "Adjuration" defined. -- as referred to in the Qur'an
6266. Three sins vices are condemned in the strongest terms. 1)scandal-mongering or suggesting evil of men/women by word, innuendo, behavior, or sarcasm or insult. 2) backbiting behind one's back. 3) Piling up wealth not for use or service to those who need it, but in miserly hoards.
6272. The story of birds flinging stones of baked clay at the army.
6275. Allah will protect His own. For men in all ages, it is: 'a man intoxicated' with power can prepare armies and material resources against Allah's Plan; but such a man's plan will be his own undoing; he cannot prevail against Allah.
6276!!!!!!!!!! On the Quraish Tribe... It was the noblest tribe of Arabia, the tribe to which belonged the Prophet himself. They ha custody of the Kaaba: 1) this gave them a commanding influence over other tribes. 2) their position and rule in Makkah gave them central position to facilitate trade and intercourse. 3) they had a secure position in war (due to the Makkah territory being inviolable from the ravages of war and private feuds. This honor and privilege, they owed it to Allah.
6277-80. The Quraish were practiced travelers and merchants, acquiring much knowledge of the world, and their territory being inviolable.
6281!!!!!!!!!! The definition and meaning of the word "Din".
I've become a teacher b/c my parents are teachers to me.. And I've spent 20 years of my life with them.
6282. The Charity/Love from oneself which feeds the indigent at the expense of Self is a noble form of virtue, which is beyond the reach of those who are so callous, as even to discourage/look down upon such charity/kindness in others.
6283!!!!!!!!!!!! On the importance of Prayer from the heart, and not as plain habit. ... True worship does not consist in the mere form of prayer, without the heart and mind being earnestly applied to seek the realization of Allah's presence and the understanding of His Will.
6285!!!!!!!!! on Hypocrites. ... Hypocrites make a great show of goodness and charity, but fail if you test them by little acts of neighborly help or charity.
Abundance, (spiritual riches) comes through devotion & sacrifice.
Indulgence in Hatred! cuts off all hopes of this life
6287. He who grants blessings is Allah, and to Allah alone must we turn in thanksgiving. It is your piety that reaches Allah.
6288. Hatred and spite are not constructive contributions to the work of this world, but its opposites.
In Matters of Truth we can make no compromise, but there is no need to persecute or abuse anyone for his faith or belief.
6289. On Faith... Faith is a matter of personal conviction and does not depend on worldly motives. Worship should depend on pure and sincere faith, but often does not: for motives of world gain reduce a great deal of the world's worship to sin, selfishness and futility.
6291!!!!!!!!!!! The powerful attitude of Faith and standing your ground for Truth
Victory is the crown of service, not on occasion for exultation (All victory comes from Allah).
6292. On achievement / the striving for, in the name of Allah----COPY WHOLE THING
Cruelty ultimately ruins itself. No boasted wealth or position will save him.
6294. On Abu Lahb...
6295. On the Nature of Allah -----COPY THE WHOLE THING
6297. On Polytheism... Such a system is opposed to our truest and profoundest conceptions of Life. For unity in design, unity in the fundamental facts of existence, Proclaim the unity of the Maker.
6301 - 05. ----COPY ALL
Trust in Allah rather than man. Be warned specially to the secret whispers of evil within our own hearts.
6309. COPY ALL
6184. ENERGY AND RHYTHM: my want for materialism. My rocky roads with my parents - these both coincide together. As portrayed by Muhammad and Khadija's love for him .
2:110 ---- And perform the prayer, and give alms. Whatever good you forward for yourselves, you will find it with God. God is Seeing of everything you do.
2:177 ---- Righteousness does not consist of turning your faces towards the East and the West. But righteous is he who believes in God, and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Scripture, and the prophets. Who gives money, though dear, to near relatives, and orphans, and the needy, and the homeless, and the beggars, and for the freeing of slaves; those who perform the prayers, and pay the obligatory charity, and fulfill their promise when they promise, and patiently persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and in the time of conflict. These are the sincere; these are the pious.
2:261 - 63
261. The parable of those who spend their wealth in God’s way is that of a grain that produces seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. God multiplies for whom He wills. God is Bounteous and Knowing.
262. Those who spend their wealth in the way of God, and then do not follow up what they spent with reminders of their generosity or with insults, will have their reward with their Lord—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
263. Kind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by insults. God is Rich and Clement.
2:267 - 74
267. O you who believe! Give of the good things you have earned, and from what We have produced for you from the earth. And do not pick the inferior things to give away, when you yourselves would not accept it except with eyes closed. And know that God is Sufficient and Praiseworthy.
268. Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
269. He gives wisdom to whomever He wills. Whoever is given wisdom has been given much good. But none pays heed except those with insight.
270. Whatever charity you give, or a pledge you fulfill, God knows it. The wrongdoers have no helpers.
271. If you give charity openly, that is good. But if you keep it secret, and give it to the needy in private, that is better for you. It will atone for some of your misdeeds. God is cognizant of what you do.
272. Their guidance is not your responsibility, but God guides whom He wills. Any charity you give is for your own good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of God. Any charity you give will be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged.
273. It is for the poor; those who are restrained in the way of God, and unable to travel in the land. The unaware would think them rich, due to their dignity. You will recognize them by their features. They do not ask from people insistently. Whatever charity you give, God is aware of it.
274. Those who spend their wealth by night and day, privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
2:277 --- Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity—they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
3:92 --- You will not attain virtuous conduct until you give of what you cherish. Whatever you give away, God is aware of it.
3:180 --- Those who withhold what God has given them of his bounty should not assume that is good for them. In fact, it is bad for them. They will be encircled by their hoardings on the Day of Resurrection. To God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth, and God is well acquainted with what you do.
6:141 --- It is He who produces gardens, both cultivated and wild, and date-palms, and crops of diverse tastes, and olives and pomegranates, similar and dissimilar. Eat of its fruit when it yields, and give its due on the day of its harvest, and do not waste. He does not love the wasteful.
9:34 --- O you who believe! Many of the rabbis and priests consume people's wealth illicitly, and hinder from God’s path. Those who hoard gold and silver, and do not spend them in God’s cause, inform them of a painful punishment.
9:60 --- Charities are for the poor, and the destitute, and those who administer them, and for reconciling hearts, and for freeing slaves, and for those in debt, and in the path of God, and for the traveler in need—an obligation from God. God is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
22:41 --- Those who, when We empower them in the land, observe the prayer, and give regular charity, and command what is right, and forbid what is wrong. To God belongs the outcome of events.
1. Successful are the believers.
2. Those who are humble in their prayers.
3. Those who avoid nonsense.
4. Those who work for charity.
5. Those who safeguard their chastity.
6. Except from their spouses, or their dependents—for they are free from blame.
7. But whoever seeks anything beyond that—these are the transgressors.
8. Those who are faithful to their trusts and pledges.
9. Those who safeguard their prayers.
10. These are the inheritors.
47:38 --- Here you are, being called to spend in the cause of God. Among you are those who withhold; but whoever withholds is withholding against his own soul. God is the Rich, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people, and they will not be like you.
15. But the pious are amidst gardens and springs.
16. Receiving what their Lord has given them. They were virtuous before that.
17. They used to sleep a little at night.
18. And at dawn, they would pray for pardon.
19. And in their wealth, there was a share for the beggar and the deprived.
10. And give from what We have provided for you, before death approaches one of you, and he says, “My Lord, if only You would delay me for a short while, so that I may be charitable, and be one of the righteous.”
11. But God will not delay a soul when its time has come. God is Informed of what you do.